Bathtub Tea
Bathtub Tea
Benefits: In bathwater, this loose leaf botanical medley of 8 healing herbs will soothe + soften skin. Great to promote faster healing of skin.
Key Ingredients: Calendula, Pink Rose Buds, White Sage, Lavender, Chamomile, Spearmint, Jasmine, Rosemary, Essential Oils of Peppermint and Lavender.
Comfort Ritual: Fill tea bag 1/3 of the way with herbal medley. Place bag in tub, steep + soak 15 - 30 mins using filled tea bag as an aromatherapy packed exfolitating washcoth. Post steep, discard used herbs and hang bag to dry for your next tea time.
Calendula Promotes Skin Healing
On a scientific level, calendula flowers contain polysaccharides, flavonoids, triterpenes, resins, carotenes, and other compounds[1]. From a skincare point of view, they’re primarily used to heal damaged and inflamed skin such as minor cuts, rashes, eczema and acne. In one study, calendula sped up the healing of wounds in animals by nearly double[2]
Calendula most likely works by helping wounds to quickly form granulation tissue[3]. This moist red to pink tissue closes the wound, protects the inner tissues from infection, and begins the healing process.